There is a Metro Council Meeting tonight at 6:30 pm. An agenda has been provided and you can watch the meeting live via channel 3 or stream live on your electronic devices. Also, please do not respond to this email... You can reach me at [email protected].
Capital Planning
It's that time again... Each fall, the council is asked to present our Capital Improvements Budget (CIB). This is basically a wishlist for Council Members. Our goal is to get these projects in the mayor's Capital Spending Plan (CSP) during budget. A capital project is a project to construct either new facilities or make significant, long-term renewal improvements to existing facilities (buildings, roadways, sidewalks, parks, etc.). I am in the process of collecting data for capital improvements throughout the District.
I am asking you to send me an email at [email protected] with the subject titled "Capital Projects in My Neighborhood" and share with me any capital improvements that you think is needed. If your project is feasible and meets the qualifications of a capital project, I will add it to my CIB. Once added to the CIB, we must continue to lobby the mayor and the department the project falls under. By doing this, it will show the importance on this project, and we can ask the mayor to prioritize our CIB requests for them to be added in the upcoming CSP.
What I've Been Up To:
- I have been out of the office for a day or two celebrating the University of Memphis Homecoming. I was honored to be recognized by the Black Alumni Association the the Memphis State Eight - John Simpson Award!
- Sleep has avoided me as my son develops his motor skills, means that he likes to pull all nighters and sleep all day!!
- I'm still working with NDOT regarding several traffic calming requests that have come my way. I have a meeting next week with the NDOT director to review ideas in some areas
- If you see traffic calming needs in your area, contact me and also, complete the Traffic Calming application. Click here for the website to the application.
- I mentioned that a North Nashville Community Study to evaluate mobility and reconnection is happening. This RFQ just hit the street for the city to partner with a planning group to assist in this study.
- DB Todd and Clarksville Hwy - The paving project is happening now. The roads were closed this weekend along Clarksville Hwy, and you will see a set of closures for this coming weekend as well. Prepare Accordingly!
- Alley clean ups - I'm in communication with NDOT regarding alley clean ups. Not just bulk item and litter, we are planning to have a few day to visit alleys to cut back brush, pick up bulk items, and simply refresh the alleys. We are currently looking for alleys to add to the list, so if you know of an alley that desperately needs cleaning and trimming, send them my way... Call or email.
- In this effort, we are also looking for neighbors to help... Bring your chainsaws, trimmers, brush cutters, you name it to come help clean up. Once the dates and areas have been confirmed, I'll let you know
- Childcare has been a major issue for families in Nashville, really throughout the entire state of Tennessee. I am working with Metro Finance, United Way, and a set of childcare centers to provide continued funding for centers to provide a sliding rate scale for all families no matter their income.
- 31st Ave N - There is a project along 31st Ave N that has caught many residents attention. This project upgrades will continue as planned (traffic calming, crosswalks, resurfacing, paving and sidewalks). However, the bike lanes conversation will continue. NDOT held their pilot with the bike lanes and removal of the traffic lanes. That has completed and I'm working to have a final community meeting to receive feedback from residents in the area. Once this is scheduled, I will send information to you promptly.
Upcoming Community Events
Please Send any Community Events you are having and I will post it on my Newsletter.
What's Happening tonight:
I do not often discuss the Elections and Confirmations portion of the meeting calendar, but I wanted to point it out. When you clicked on the agenda at the top of this newsletter, you open the agenda directly at the Elections and Confirmations portion of the agenda. The list of board and commission confirmations, nominations and openings are there for review. These Boards and Commissions are important, as they make decisions based in the interpretation of the law within their respective areas. This link takes you to the site that shares each Board and Commission and their roles. This may be of interest to you to learn more or you may be interested to be appointed to one of these roles. If so, I'd be more than happy to discuss that with you.
We have a number of items to discuss tonight about boards and commissions.
BL2023 - 74 - This bill is in reference to traffic upgrades along Jefferson St. at 21st Ave N and 28th Ave N. This includes a plan for a round-a-bout at 28th and Jefferson. I will defer this bill and bring back after further community engagement. - I will withdraw this Bill
BL2023-54 -An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS5 to R6-A zoning for property located at 2810 Georgia Ave
BL2023-60 - An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS5 to R6 zoning for property located at 2400 Buchanan Street
BL2023-64 -An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS5 to R6-A for property located at 2406 Merry Street
BL2023-68 -An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from CS to MUN-A-NS zoning for property located at 1829 Jo Johnston Ave
Dates To Remember:
- 42nd Ave N (near Clifton and 40th) Proposed Developments Community Meeting
- November 16
- 5:30 PM
- Preston Taylor Ministries | 4014 Indiana Ave
- Heiman St. and Scovel Proposed Developments - House of God Properties Community Meeting
- December 7
- 6:00 PM
- House of God Church | 2714 Scovel St
- Traffic Roundabout at Jefferson and 28th Ave N Community Meeting (Tentative)
- December 14
- 6:00 PM
- Hadley Park Community Center | 1037 28th Ave N
- MLB Baseball Stadium Discussion
- December 12
- 6:00 PM
- Hadley Park Community Center | 1037 28th Ave N
I invite all District 21 residents to reach out to me directly with any information or concerns in our community. Email is the best form of communication, but invite you to call me as well. My contact information is below.
Contact information: Email - [email protected] / Phone: 615.946.9700
Best regards,
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