There is a Metro Council Meeting tonight at 6:00 pm. We are back in the Council Chambers - Please join us if you'd like... An agenda has been provided, and you can watch the meeting live via channel 3 or stream live on your electronic devices. Also, please do not respond to this email... You can reach me at [email protected].
Every 10 years, after the U.S. Census, Metro Nashville must re-establish the boundaries for Metro Council and School Board districts. The new districts must be balanced in population and follow traditional redistricting criteria, in conformance with federal, state, and local rules. The Metro Charter assigns responsibility for redistricting to the Planning Commission, which makes its recommendation to the Metro Council for adoption.
I met with Metro Planning a few weeks ago to discuss the redistricting process. As for now there is a great possibility that parts of the 21st District will be amended; some areas may move into an adjacent district and other areas will be added into our district. This website will share more information regarding the redistricting process. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Metro Planning at [email protected].
WeGo Transit Center in North Nashville
Over the past year and a half, I have worked with the Mayor's office and WeGo (MTA) regarding a Transit Center at the intersection of 26th Ave N and Clarksville Hwy. We've submitted applications to the federal government for funding and we approved capital spending dollars from Metro last budget season. Below is a link to a survey - We are requesting your feedback, as a neighbor, to help us understand your thoughts and provide an opportunity for engagement throughout this process.
Click here to take the WeGo North Nashville Transit Center Engagement Survey!
What I've Been Up To:
- WeGo is planning a development of a transit center at the intersection of 26th Ave N and Clarksville Hwy. I am working to schedule a community meeting to share more detailed information regarding their plans and timeline. This meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Saturday, August 21 at 10:00 am at the North Police Precinct.
- I finalized the criminal justice fines and fees legislation to reduce and remove certain fines and fees. This bill passed during our last meeting. We were able to substantially remove fees that individuals are paying that keeps them in the pipeline of the criminal justice system.
- I've scheduled a ride-along with NDOT (Public Works) in the coming weeks to review the traffic calming areas of concern. We will highlight the problem areas and then take action immediately.
- License Plate Readers (LPRs) Survey: I sent you a quick, 4-question survey regarding your thoughts on LPRs last week. Thank you for responding, if you haven't had the chance to complete the survey please do so now. This will be re-introduced to the council at the first meeting in July.
What's Happening Tonight
RS2021-1064 - A resolution appropriating a total of $120,000 from the Juvenile Court to various nonprofit organizations selected to receive Community Partnership Fund grants.
RS2021-1066 - A resolution appropriating a total of $85,000 from a certain account of the General Fund of the General Services District to various nonprofit organizations selected to receive Public Safety Violence Reduction Pilot Grant Funds.
RS2021-1074 - A resolution accepting a grant from oneCITY to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Nashville Parks Department, for improvements in Centennial Park and Centennial Park Dog Park.
Late File Resolution - A resolution appropriating a total of $850,000 from the General Fund of the General Services District for a grant to Community Care Fellowship and authorizing a grant agreement.
BL2021-830 - An ordinance amending Title 3 of the Metropolitan Code to delete obsolete provisions and add certain Department of Emergency Communications employees to the Fire and Police Service Pension Plan.
BL2019-3 - This ordinance will provide a tax abatement for properties that are to be determined historic by the Historic Property Review Board.
BL2021-792 - An ordinance amending Chapter 2.136 of the Metropolitan Code to require the Planning Department to provide periodic reports regarding the Metropolitan Government’s efforts to address the issue of housing affordability in Nashville and Davidson County.
Dates to remember:
- Community meeting to discuss a proposed rezone to change the property located at 2100 Buchanan St. from CS to MUL-A
- Thursday, August 5 - 6:00 pm
- 2100 Buchanan St.
- (Tentative) WeGo North Nashville Transit Community Meeting
- Saturday, August 21 10:00 am
- North Police Precinct
- 2231 26th Ave N
- (Tentative) District 21 Town Hall
- Thursday, September 23 at 6:30 pm
- West End United Methodist Church
- 2200 West End Ave.
Lets Connect:
I invite all District 21 residents to reach out to me directly with any information or concerns in our community. Email is the best form of communication, but invite you to call me as well. My contact information is below.
Contact information: Email - [email protected] / Phone: 615.946.9700
Best regards,
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