There is a Metro Council Meeting tonight at 6:30 pm. An agenda has been provided and you can watch the meeting live via channel 3 or stream live on your electronic devices. Also, please do not respond to this email... You can reach me at [email protected].
Counting tonight, there are only 4 meetings left in this term!
Let's Continue the Work
Re-Elect Brandon Taylor
Early Voting has Closed!
If you have not had an opportunity to vote, you must vote on Thursday at your designated voting location to Cast your Vote for The City's Municipal Elections.
Click Here - To Find Your Voting Location
I'm Running for Re-election to be your District 21 Councilman!
This is a short and sweet newsletter for today. Counting this meeting, we only have two meetings left in this Council Term! This means the agendas will continue to be shorter and we will likely not introduce any new legislative items until October!
There are two items tonight that I believe are of interest to many of you, 1.) License Plate Readers Pilot 2.) Fairgrounds NASCAR. With both of these items being hot buttons, there is a strong sense that we should defer these items until there's a new Mayor and Council elected. That being said, that is exactly what we are going to do. Tonight, both items were deferred in their committees.
Let's Connect
I invite all District 21 residents to reach out to me directly with any information or concerns in our community. Email is the best form of communication, but invite you to call me as well. My contact information is below.
Contact information: Email - [email protected] / Phone: 615.946.9700
Best regards,
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