Understanding Metro's Budget Woes

Happy Holidays!!

There is a Metro Council Meeting tonight… An agenda has been provided, and you can watch the meeting live via channel 3 or stream live on your electronic devices.

You only have 8 days until Santa arrives... Make sure you send him your list!

As we head into a New Year, be sure to take time to look back on your year and think of all that you have accomplished this year. Also, let's look forward to the future. What are your goals/resolutions for the year? How will you accomplish your goals? 

Metro's Budget - Corrective Action Plan

Over the last few months, we've been discussing the city's budget. Metro's budget is not balanced, and the State Comptroller has asked the city to present a balanced budget. Last week, Metro Finance Director Mr. Kevin Crumbo visited with Council Members during a special meeting. The budget submitted in the last term included $41.5 Millon in revenue that we did not receive, nor will we receive, therefore, we have a deficit within the current Metro budget. Here are the two line items that were not approved in the budget the last term: 1.) $30M to privatize parking meters 2.) 11.5M from a sale of an energy system.  In an effort to balance the budget, Mr. Crumbo has created a Corrective Action Plan that has been approved by the State Comptroller.

See Corrective Action Plan line items below...

The plan above shares opportunities the Finance Director has found that could possibly balance the budget. Mr. Crumbo has included $33.9M in corrective actions that would get us closer without cutting services or people. He's also included in the plan an impoundment of $5M from the Barnes Fund and a reduction of $2.6M in Metro expenditures.  

  1. Partial Impoundment (take back) of the Barnes Fund of $5M total.
    1. This will affect the Affordable Housing for the year. The Affordable Housing Committee met with non-profit builders yesterday, and the impoundment of $5M will adversely remove nearly $20M in assets these affordable housing builders will lose.
  2. Reduce Metro Expenditures (Budget Cuts) of $2.6M
    1. The Mayor's office will try not to cut everyday services, but this plan wants to minimize disruptions to the normal course of operations and services to the public.

As mentioned, this plan has been approved by the State Comptroller and does not require Council approval. The budget conversation is not over, and we will continue discussing this, and I will keep you updated. During the budget hearings in the Spring, the Council will have to approve a budget that does not include cuts or impoundments. We will need to find recurring revenue streams that allow for year-over-year revenue and not one-time deals to balance the budget, rather add to the budget. 

What to expect tonight:

  • There's a bill on Second Reading that will restrict barbed/razor wire fencing in urban neighborhoods - BL2019-30. If you own a property where you are using such fencing, please reach out to me with any thoughts.
  • BL2019-49 will allow for a tax exemption for historic properties owned by charitable organizations.
  • CM Sledge has introduced a bill - BL2019-95 - that will require public restrooms to have diaper changing stations.
  • BL2019-31 will require property owners to file for a permit to construct any permanent fencing. I am interested in the discussion that will take place on the floor. What makes me nervous about this bill is for the weekend warriors that are planning to construct a fence on their properties for safety and other reasons that will add value to their homes. This may be an additional barrier for homeowners.

Dates to remember:

  • Tuesday, December 17 - Council Meeting  
  • Thursday, December 19 - 37208 Committee Meeting - McGruder Family Resource Center - 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Thursday, December 19 - Emergency Public Safety Community Meeting  - Elizabeth Park Community Center - 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
    • Elizabeth Park and Buchanan Area
    • Osage/North Fisk Area
  • Thursday, December 25 - Christmas Day - Enjoy your loved ones!
  • Thursday, January 1, 2020 - New Year Day
  • Thursday, January 16 - District 21 Quarterly Town Hall Meeting Location TBD - 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Lets Connect:

I invite all District 21 residents to reach out to me directly with any information or concerns in our community. Email is the best form of communication, but invite you to call me as well. My contact information is below.

Contact information: Email - [email protected] / Phone: 615.946.9700

Best regards,


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