Zoning is a Major Topic


There is a Metro Council Meeting tonight at 6:30 pm. An agenda has been provided and you can watch the meeting live via channel 3 or stream live on your electronic devices. Also, please do not respond to this email... You can reach me at [email protected].

Hello everyone... I've been under the weather. I guess I'm running the daycare sniffles gauntlet!!

With that said, let's get right to it...

There are a few highlights that we will be discussing tonight... There are a number of comment periods. Some that require pre-sign ups and others that are legislative specific. You may or may not have heard about several zoning items that will impact the entire county that have been filed by two of my colleagues. These items are all on first reading (which we generally pass on first reading and discuss more on 2nd and 3rd reading), but I believe we will have detailed discussion on these topic... 

  • BL2024-182 -An ordinance to amend Title 16 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws to clarify who may update the official website regarding issuance of permits and notices, remove requirements for washer and dryer hookups in certain homes, remove and separate bathroom facilities at gas stations, and add regulations to permit large homes with three to six attached dwelling units.
  • BL2024-183 -An ordinance to amend Title 16 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws to provide for housing, health, and safety of residents by streamlining Codes provisions related to fireproofing requirements for middle housing creation and conversion, including specifically the creation of a class of Large Unit Homes within the International Building Code and providing for NFPA-13D sprinklers and one-hour fire-resistance-rated separation therefor.
  • BL2024-184 -An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws to amend the definitions of multi-family and residence for handicapped, more than eight individuals; update references related to accessory building, detached, detached accessory dwelling, and detached accessory dwelling unit for consistency; add bar/night club as a permitted use in certain industrial districts; add daycare as a permitted with conditions use in certain districts, and to add a definition for half story related to contextual overlays
  • BL2024-185 -An ordinance to amend Section 6.28.030, Section 13.12.110, and Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County relative to the creation of the "residential scale multi-family" residential use, all of which is more particularly described herein.
  • BL2024-186 -An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, to add the two-family use as a conditionally permitted use to the RS and RS-A zoning districts and amend the conditions for the two-family use in the AG, AR2A, R, and R-A zoning districts, all of which is more particularly described herein (Proposal No. 2024Z-006TX-001).
    • This is the big one... This legislation will allow for all single family housing in District 21 and other districts to permit (allow), without rezoning from the district council member, two houses on one lot. This will remove the discretion of the district council member and be permitted wholly throughout.
  • BL2024-187 -An ordinance amending Section 17.08.030 of the Metropolitan Code, Zoning Regulations to change the Single Family, Two Family, and Multi-family uses from being permitted conditionally to being permitted by right in the CS - Commercial Service CS-NS - Commercial Service No Short Term Rental, CS-A - Commercial Services Alternative, and CS-A-NS Commercial Service Alternative No Short Term Rental zoning districts (Proposal No. 2024Z-004TX-001).
  • BL2024-187 -An ordinance amending Section 17.08.030 of the Metropolitan Code, Zoning Regulations to change the Single Family, Two Family, and Multi-family uses from being permitted conditionally to being permitted by right in the CS - Commercial Service CS-NS - Commercial Service No Short Term Rental, CS-A - Commercial Services Alternative, and CS-A-NS Commercial Service Alternative No Short Term Rental zoning districts (Proposal No. 2024Z-004TX-001).
  • BL2024-188 -An ordinance amending Section 17.12.020 of the Metropolitan Code, Zoning Regulations to eliminate minimum lot areas for multi-family, mobile homes, and non-residential uses in RM - Residential Multi-Family zoning districts (Proposal No. 2024Z-003TX-001).


What I've Been Up To:

  • As I mentioned, Baby P has given us all the daycare sniffles... We are just circling the wagons with cold medicines over here!
  • Google Fiber: You've probably seen the wires, holes in the easement area of your yard, 
  • I'm still looking to host a few dinner nights at local restaurants in the District. Please email a few of your favorite spots in the District and we'll send a note out and have everyone join us for dinner.
    • I received a few restaurants, but need some more recommendations. I want to start this program soon.
  • 2618 Buchanan St. - They have received a stop operation order. They have been hosting events in a non-permitted property (residential) that have had several violent occurrences. MNPD and Metro Codes are working on this for a permanent solution.
  • Traffic Calming conversations are happening with NDOT - There are several areas that you have brought to my attention, and we are moving forward with connecting NDOT to these areas for studies.

What's Happening tonight:  

See above... 

Dates To Remember:

  • Check back for meeting dates and event reminders

I invite all District 21 residents to reach out to me directly with any information or concerns in our community. Email is the best form of communication, but invite you to call me as well. My contact information is below.

Contact information: Email - [email protected] / Phone: 615.946.9700

Best regards,


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